Did you know that exposure to loud noises can cause hearing loss?  Did you know that wearing earphones or earbuds for extended periods can cause hearing fatigue?  Did you know that over 11 billion teenagers and young adults are at risk for noise-induced hearing loss from the unsafe use of earphones and earbuds?

Did you know that once your damage your hearing, the hearing loss can be permanent?

These are just a few reasons why it is important to take care of your hearing.  Here are a few ways you can practice good hearing hygiene.

  1. Wear earplugs.   Noisy situations like nightclubs, mowing the lawn, using a chain saw, or live concerts can all cause damage to your hearing.  If you have to raise your voice for others to hear you, then the noise is loud enough that you need earplugs.
  2. Keep the volume low. The maximum suggested volume whether listening through earphones or speakers is 60%!  Choose earphones over earbuds because earbuds sit right next to the eardrum, causing a greater risk of injury.  Limit listening to loud music to one hour a day.
  3. Give your ears a break. Experts report that it takes 16 hours of quiet for your ears to recover from exposure to loud noises.  Build quiet time into your daily routine, especially if you are frequently in loud environments.
  4. Exercise. We all know exercise is good for our bodies.  It is also good for your hearing.  Cardio exercise gets blood pumping to the internal parts of your ears, which helps them stay healthy.
  5. Don’t use cotton swabs. You need some wax to stop dust and other particles from getting into your ears.  Your ears naturally self-clean and clear excess wax.  Using cotton swabs can cause wax to be pushed up against the eardrum and interfere with this natural cleaning cycle.