ECALA funds adult foundational learning opportunities in 25 agencies within Edmonton. These learning opportunities take the shape of courses, family literacy programs, learning activities and tutoring. All ECALA programming provides adult foundational learners with a chance to embrace the skills they have while developing new pathways to help them succeed. From September to December the majority of learning opportunities will be using online platforms.
To download or print a copy of the Learning Opportunity Directory click here.
The LARCC Directory of Educational Programs and Services is a guide to other learning opportunities in Edmonton.
Learning Opportunity by Category
Adult Literacy
Basic Digital Skills
Community Capacity Building
English Language Learning
Family Literacy
Skills for Learning
Learning Opportunity by Location
North West Edmonton
North East Edmonton
Central Edmonton
South West Edmonton
South East Edmonton
Funded Agencies
Click here to view a list of ECALA funded agencies and their learning opportunities.
This is Edmonton – 3D Mapping and Metrics
This is Edmonton lets you compare metrics between neighbourhoods by combining storytelling, 3D mapping, and data about the hundreds of neighbourhoods in Edmonton. This tool uses detailed census demographics like household income, age, transportation used to get to work, and other metrics.